Enthronement Meeting 7th April 2015
At the Enthronement Meeting of Prescot Conclave most officers including the the Sovereign remained in the same office apart from the Herald, who progressed  to Treasurer.
Ill .Kt. Roy Bibby, P.Kt John Dawson MPS, W. Kt. Adrian Cowley
(a member of Hardshaw Lodge and City Chapter) and Mike of course.
As the Conclave has many Knights who have not yet reached the chair and a year of consolidation was requested so that they could assimilate the beauties of our Order.
Our Intendant General commented that when the inner workings were started (albeit the short way) there were only five of us left in the room and that clearly bodes well for the future of the Conclave.
The last time he was in 291 he witnessed the narrated version of the Installation of a knight - something he is keen for other conclaves to do.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Colin Rowling